Why don’t geniuses matter?
The word ‘genius’ is usually associated with a stigma that either says ‘god gifted’ or ‘intelligent since birth.’ However, this isn’t the case. There isn’t any mold available that can shape geniuses out of it. It is a trait built through passion. But the question is, how do you identify that zeal? Well, it comes from curiosity to know more about a subject you are interested in. Be it dance, writing, science, geography, art or anything. For example, if you want to become an actor, you would like to learn about its different forms, postures, the exercise required for warm-up, theatre groups to join, plays happening at school, film actors and their journey, etc.
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Don’t forget showing gratitude towards your parents as without their support system this journey of becoming a genius isn’t thinkable.
Citations :
Power Words:
- Stigma
- Notion
- Magnificent
- Attributes
- Insatiable
- Grappled
- Persuaded
- Plaque
- Gratitude
- Curious
- Cognitive
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