Kids who eat junk food are more likely to be obese

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Children are fond of ice creams, candies, cakes, pastries, soft drinks and the list goes on having no limit. Even adults are enamoured with that stuff. But are they healthy? Do they provide nutrients? Probably one cannot consume or would get an idea of renouncing those items if the facts related to that stuff are known. The most alarming and depressing truth is that 40 million children under age five and around 340 million children (and adolescents) under age 19 across the globe are obese. And the sole reason is the increase in the intake of huge amounts of junk food and physical inactivity !!!

What is Junk food?

Junk food is unhealthy food rich in calorie content with no or less nutrient values and so the name. It is often considered as HFSS (High in fat, salt and sugar) foods. 

Few may consider fast-food as junk food. But it is not right to have a conclusion like that since all kinds of fast-food are not the same. For example, fast-food items like noodles and fried rice can be considered as junk food, but at the same time, fruit/vegetable salads are not junk foods though they are fast-food items.

Primarily, junk food provides empty calories, and the appellation of whether the food is junk food or not mainly depends on the ingredients used in making it.

Why should we be concerned about it?

Heavy intake of high-calorie food without any or less physical activity results in the accumulation of fat in the body, which affects health. If childhood obesity remains unchecked, it would be continued during adulthood and will have significant health implications.

Childhood obesity may cause liver disease and diabetes, and adulthood obesity might result in hypertension, heart stroke, diabetes and even cancer.

What should you do?

The only way to avert obesity is the optimal amount of eating with a healthy diet. 

  • Make a habit of eating a handful of assorted nuts every day instead of eating rich calorie and unhealthy junk food.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables will enrich you with nutrients and required minerals by which the body rejuvenates itself without the need for artificial supplements.
  • The exercise, followed by a perfect diet makes anyone fit physically and mentally.
  • The most important thing is to desist kids from watching screens for more hours and allow them to spend some time in outdoor games every day.
  • Avoid products made with refined grains and added sugars.
  • Have an adequate sleep.
  • Give up an overeating habit.

5-2-1-0 Rule

It states that “five” or more veggies/ fruits per day, no more than “two” hours of screen time a day, “one” hour or more of physical activity and “no” sugary drinks every day keeps you healthy.



Did you know?

Few countries started “Pigouvian taxation“. Hungary imposes taxes on foods and beverages on High fat, salt, sugar (HFSS) foods. Norway taxes on refined sugar products.

Citations :

Skillioma (January 23, 2025) Kids who eat junk food are more likely to be obese. Retrieved from
"Kids who eat junk food are more likely to be obese." Skillioma - January 23, 2025,
"Kids who eat junk food are more likely to be obese." Skillioma - Accessed January 23, 2025.
Skillioma July 31, 2024 Kids who eat junk food are more likely to be obese., viewed January 23, 2025,<>
Skillioma - Kids who eat junk food are more likely to be obese. [Internet]. [Accessed January 23, 2025]. Available from:
"Kids who eat junk food are more likely to be obese." Skillioma [Online]. Available: [Accessed: January 23, 2025]

Power Words :

  • Enamoured
  • Renouncing
  • Alarming
  • Depressing
  • Adolescents
  • Obese
  • Appellation
  • Ingredients
  • Avert
  • Optimal
  • Assorted
  • Rejuvenates
  • Desist
  • Refined


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