How To Deal With Politics & Negativity Refuse To Entertain Vibes That Don’t Match
We, as humans, encounter many emotions on a daily basis. We are happy, sad, angry, anxious, and to consider one of the most severe global pandemics we are dealing with, it becomes a tough task to channelize yourself towards hope and light.
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Almost all the countries, irrespective of ethnicity, are facing conflicts on different bases and it is necessary to take the political governance into our hands to ensure that the other elements of political hierarchy don’t misuse their power and potential.
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Power Words :
- Deduce
- Contagious
- Pessimistically
- Fading
- Fallacy
- Introspect
- Vicious
- Turmoil
- Deflected
- Dilute
- Obsessing
- Whirlpool
- Translucent
- Sceptical
- Rumination
- Diversity
- Seizing
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