A Day In The Life Of A Graphic Designer: After Switching On The PC!
Visual perception of the world around us has a superior memory connection. Any new product or even a tangible idea is first seen and later understood. Just have one sweeping look around you, to know the vast range of projects forming a part of the graphic designer job description.
“Good design’s not about what medium you’re working in. It’s about thinking hard about what you want to do and what you have to work with before you start.” – Susan Kare
Graphics are fundamental to brand identity and its identification by consumers. Expanding consumer-base, providing alluring services to existing-users, and carving a market-niche are the universal aims of any business.
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It’s certainly one of the few professions wherein creative-satisfaction is completely at par with the graphic designer salary. These visualizing wizards are astounding mavens discovering electrifying creativity in the most mundane objects others might not even grace with a second look. The buzzing, highly-driven, competitive-yet-creatively-gratifying day in the life of graphic designers is one which if you want will be the one you wish would never come to an end!
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Power Words :
- Tangible
- Sweeping
- Alluring
- Astounding
- Mavens
- Mammoth
- Tweaking
- Swamped
- Aesthetic
- Mundane
- Invigorating
- Cluttered
- Verbose
- Juncture
- Curated
- Perception
- Reception
- Manifest
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