What are literary devices
Often while reading a poem, it seems that the words are heart-touching, like you can totally relate to the poem. But how is this possible? Aren’t they just words?
Yeah! You are right. They are just words but with the magic of literary devices.
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Now you know everything about what literary devices are, why they are important, and what types of literary devices are followed by some tips.
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Citations :
Power Words :
- Convey
- Proverb
- Figurative
- Recurring
- Irony
- Devotion
- Emotions
- Regret
- Autumn
- Howled
- Interpreted
- Complicate
- Profoundly
- Hint
- Miserable
- Creed
- Abstract
- Emphasis
- Exaggeration
- Consequences
- Ridicule
- Loyalty
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